Monday, February 8, 2010

On a High

Am still on a high from losing 2.8kg! Have had an ok food day today, had good lunch and brekkie but then went straight to the cinema after Uni (saw the Princess and the Frog, suprisingly good film!) so didn't have dinner, and had some popcorn instead which is bad! But will just crack on at the gym tomorrow. Am doing Week 2 Day 1 of the Couch 2 5K so hopefully it'll go well, just need to remember to put the podcast on my ipod!
Even though i'm so happy that I lost weight, now the excitement of the first week is over I feel a bit...I can't describe it, I just know that it's going to get harder to lose weight the more I lose, so just need to keep positive. Have a big night out tomorrow, so will watch how much I drink, then make sure i'm in the gym on Wednesday, then i'm going home for the weekend on Thursday so just have to cross my fingers and work hard!

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