Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bad Gym Day

I really don't know why but today was a funny day at the gym, I was doing the couch to 5k and about to start one of the running sections, so set off running and i must have elbowed the emergency stop button as it came to a sudden halt and I thought I was going to go flying off the back! Thankfully, I think I recovered pretty well...but had to set up the machine again which was a tad frustrating. Then I was on the elliptical and moved onto the bike, getting off the bike I realise I didn't have my ipod! I had left it on the elliptical and thankfully the woman handed it into reception. The strange thing was, when I got in the car I had a missed call from the gym saying the Personal Trainer Jeff, the annoying woman I don't like had handed in my ipod. But I don't know how they knew it was mine as it doesn't have my name on it or anything...so now i'm even more annoyed at Jeff as she must literally watch me everytime I go in! Ah well, will go back tomorrow and have a good day :)

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