Thursday, February 4, 2010


Am getting quite excited for Monday and my first weigh in, i better have lost some weight!
Just have 3 days to go, have a doctors appointment at 10.50am tomorrow so am getting up super early to go to the gym before then. Just know that if I leave it to afterwards i'll never go, and things will 'come up'. I really love going early in the morning and just getting it out the way, even though I enjoy it i like to have days free. Then am going to view a house for the 2nd time as soon as the doctors appointment is finished, as we are trying to decided between two student houses to live in next year, they are both lovely it's just so hard to choose!
Just watched The Sweetest Thing, very funny film! 'You're too big to fit in here...' love it!
Right better get an early night for an even earlier start tomorrow!

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