Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Today so far has been a much better day than yesterday!
Woke up at 8.30, had a new breakfast...mascarpone cheese with frozen berries, found the recipe in an old atkins book I had so it's low in carbs. It tasted a bit like a fruity cereal just without the cereal and it was a nice change from scrambled eggs and bacon!
Went to the gym and did W3D2 of Couch to 5K, it was tough but it felt easier than it did on Monday which felt good as it shows that my fitness is slowly increasing!
Am now relaxing watching This Morning, for lunch today I am having portabello mushrooms stuffed with tuna and cheese, very excited about that. Am trying to mix up my food options so that I don't get bored and tempted to snack.

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