Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Gym Bunny!

Wooo! Am just back from the gym and I had a great time.
DId the first Couch to 5K workout, it was quite hard going but not too bad as it pushes you to go further that you/I would go usually but i don't feel knackered or exhausted which is what usually puts me off running, as there is a good mix of runs and breaks. Had my music to keep me going, I thoroughly recommend the Couch to 5K podcast, it meant that I could just cover the display of the treadmill and just listen to the podcast. Once i'd finished the 'run' which lasted 30 mins with a 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down, I spent 15 mins on the elliptical then 10 on the nautilus treadclimber, which i LOVE! It's quite unusual and takes a while to get used to but it's a nice change from running/elipticaling...

I know it looks like a bit of a beast but it really is fun! After listening to the podcast I passed the time watching 'Wanted Down Under' what a brilliant show, so easy to watch!
I didn't get pounced on by a trainer which was brilliant, and I feel so good now i'm back at home as it's dark and raining outside. Which would usually encourage me to stay in bed, but I feel so much better knowing that i've been to the gym and done something productive and I can chill for the rest of today.

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