Thursday, February 4, 2010

I ♥ RPM!

Oh my days I cannot even begin to describe how much I enjoyed RPM! It was fantastic. I went to the 'RPM Introduction' sesh at 9.45am which was great as the lovely instructor Caroline showed me how to set up the bike and how to raise and lower the levels. Then at 10 there was an RPM Express class which lasts 30 mins so I stayed for it and it was good, thought i'd ease myself in gently before starting the 45 min sessions that are on during the rest of the week. The 30 mins session was perfect, it was hard work but the music and disco lights made the time fly by. Am really looking forward to going again, just need to figure out my exercise timetable for next week.

1 comment:

  1. Hello fellow weight loser! I am in the USA, and pretty much doing the exact same thing you are. I am ag 175 and trying to get down to 135. I have not lost any weight yet, it's week 2 for me and I am so frustrated I could just go insane! I do Bodycombat, Bodypump and RPM. I almost got sick last week doing RPM cause I was a tad hungover, only 3 martini's and I felt like absolute shit the next day. Anyhoo. Wondering if you have any tips to getting through an entire RPM class without wanting to off yourself! I hope you are doing well. My name is Chelsea and my email is
    My blog is
