Friday, February 19, 2010


It's the 19th of February and i've realised it's only 9 days until the March. That means the first month of me getting back into shape will be over.
I need to stop 'cheating' as the only person it's hurting is myself. Today I went out for lunch with friends and had a low carb fry up bacon, sausages, mushrooms well as hash browns and toast. I need to stop allowing myself treats just because I went to the gym that day, I can't lose weight if I don't have a balanced lifestyle. I need to be strict with myself. The odd treat is ok, but not everyday. I've lost 3.2kgs which is good, but who knows how much i'll have lost this week, and if the weight loss starts slowing down i'll end up behind on my target. I'm going to the gym tomorrow, Sunday is usually my day off but I might make myself go then as well to make up for my bad behaviour! I was going to move weigh in day to Tuesday, but think i'll keep it as a Monday as I won't have time to go to the gym on Monday as it's my busiest day and I always feel funny not going to the gym the day before my weigh in.
Maybe this guilt is just the kick I needed to get back on track.

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