Thursday, February 11, 2010

Getting back on track

Today has been better than yesterday! Didn't go to the gym though. I had Uni at 11am, and after yesterday's day of sheer tiredness I decided I deserved a lie in. Also had to drive from Manchester to Reading as am home for the weekend and didn't want to be too tired. Also am allowed 2 days off a week, so today will just be one of my off days for this week. Ok, thats enough excuses for one day!

Have eaten well today, had eggs and smoked salmon for breakfast, thai green chicken soup for lunch, then bolognaise sauce for dinner. Managed not to snack in between so am happy. Hopefully if I stay on track over this weekend I will still have lost some weight when I weigh myself on Monday. Last weeks weigh in was so exciting but I don't feel as confident about this week.

As a form of motivation, my friend posted some photos on Facebook of a recent night out and I think this photo is hideous...

I'm on the far left as you've probably guessed!
I just want to be the same size as my friends, so everytime I feel myself tempted to have crisps or cake or anything remotely devilishly tasty I will look at this photo!

Am going to the gym at home tomorrow, not Virgin and seemingly it has some new machines so I am strangely excited! Also have Day 3 of Week 2 Couch to 5k to complete, can't believe i've almost finished my 2nd week, and i'm actually enjoying running!

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