Friday, April 23, 2010

Dukan Diet Day 4

Today has gone ok, have been mega stressed due to uni assignment but they are all handed in now so can relax a bit.

Breakfast- Yoghurt
Lunch- Ham and Prawns
Snack- Chicken Bites from Burger King (bad but the only thing that I could kind of eat!)
Dinner- Chicken Breast wrapped in ham.

Went out last night and had 4 pints of cider...feel a bit guilty but I am a uni student so need to accept that uni life has drinking involved! Will be better once I can go back to the gym from the 1st of May, as excercise always helps.

And am having a pint of cider to celebrate all my assignments for this year finally being done :)

Will just have to wait a see what I weigh on Monday! Should have a good day tomorrow.

Am absolutely shattered today, have no energy. Went to the cinema to see 'Dear John' which was easy to watch thankfully! Am really looking forward to a chilled out night watching Marco's Kitchen Burnout, I love him

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