Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dukan Diet Day 6

So i've been on the 'attack' phase of the Dukan diet for 6 days, according to the Dukan Diet website i was meant to do it for 2 days but that seemed really short, so I doubled it to 4 days, but after 4 days I decided just to keep going till today and to start the next phase on Monday as it made sense to me to start the new phase on a new week!

So it's been 6 days.

How am I feeling?
In general it has been quite easy! Since i've only been able to eat meat, yoghurt and eggs it's been limited, but I find it easier to no carbs than any at all, thats why this diet has been working for me so far as I like it to be strict!

Any side effects?
On day 5 I completely crashed, was just exhausted and felt a bit spaced out. But had a good nights sleep and feel better now, think it was a combination of the diet and having a really busy week due to uni work.

Any slips ups?
The biggest problem i'm having is alcohol, as i'm at uni so drinking is a large part of our social life! But i'm trying to cut down, and I asked Katrina of Glammed Up how she deals with it and she responded...
'Fortunately for me I’m not much of a drinker, but I still got drinks offered very often. For me it’s buying a diet coke and not talking about it. People won’t notice that it’s a Diet Coke not a vodka+coke. If they don’t know, they won’t pay attention to it and you won’t get “why aren’t you drinking?” questions'

If only I still drank diet coke! But I quit drinking it as I used to be a little addicted, drinking 5 cans a day. But i'm going to try and find an alternative, wish bars stocked diet sprite but it's not quite as popular here as it is in america. So if anyone has any alternatives to diet coke let me know!

What i've eaten today
Breakfast- Yoghurt
Lunch- Smoked salmon and chicken.
Dinner- probably a Steak.

Am still trying to find oatbran, so hopefully i'll be adding that into my diet next week. There's a few places to order it online but might try Tesco's first.

Am quite excited to weigh myself tomorrow, hopefully i've lost some weight! If not I know i'll be really dissapointed but will just have to wait and see. The average loss according to the dukan website is 2-4ibs, so hopefully i'll be round the 101kg mark.

Am looking forward to being able to go back to the gym next month, as froze my membership for April as was home for easter.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I love this dress!

I love this dress

French Connection

Am tempted to buy it a couple of sizes smaller to give me something to aim for!

Dukan Diet Day 5

I have completely crashed today. Feel so lethargic and have no energy, I don't know whether it's the diet or just me after a busy week but I could go to sleep now and wake up two days later!

Breakfast- Yoghurt
Lunch- Ham and Prawns
Snack- Cupcake (bad but went out with friends and had to eat something to stop them getting suspicious so thought I should eat something I really, really wanted to make it worthwhile)
Dinner- 2 pieces of salmon.

Can't wait to sleep tonight!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Dukan Diet Day 4

Today has gone ok, have been mega stressed due to uni assignment but they are all handed in now so can relax a bit.

Breakfast- Yoghurt
Lunch- Ham and Prawns
Snack- Chicken Bites from Burger King (bad but the only thing that I could kind of eat!)
Dinner- Chicken Breast wrapped in ham.

Went out last night and had 4 pints of cider...feel a bit guilty but I am a uni student so need to accept that uni life has drinking involved! Will be better once I can go back to the gym from the 1st of May, as excercise always helps.

And am having a pint of cider to celebrate all my assignments for this year finally being done :)

Will just have to wait a see what I weigh on Monday! Should have a good day tomorrow.

Am absolutely shattered today, have no energy. Went to the cinema to see 'Dear John' which was easy to watch thankfully! Am really looking forward to a chilled out night watching Marco's Kitchen Burnout, I love him

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dukan Diet Day 3

Had a yoghurt and tea for brekkie, then salmon, prawn and an egg scrambled for lunch! It's amazing how not adding milk or butter to scrambled eggs makes a difference, it was nowhere near as fluffy and there was half the amount! But guess its for the best. Have a placement interview in an hour so am very nervous! But afterwards i'm gonna pop to sainsburys to get some oat bran to learn how to make these dukan diet oat bran pancakes I keep reading about! Will post the recipe and some photos :)

Dukan Diet Day 2

Did well yesterday,
Had yoghurt for breakfast and a cup of tea.
Lunch had a selection of ham and chicken
Dinner I had a piece of cod and piece of salmon

Then went to the pub with some friends, had a pint of cider (it is summer and couldn't not drink anything!) but then they had pudding and chips and I had a cup of tea so was quite proud of myself for saying no!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dukan Diet

This lady is my absolute idol

Glammed Up

She lost 35kg in 6 months which is just amazing and she looks fantastic. Plus her start weight and goal weight are roughly similair to mine so gives me some motivation!

Ashamed...but ready to start again!

Ok, I am very ashamed of myself. I fell off the wagon and just couldn't bring myself to diet anymore. I was sick of the gym, and being at Uni i was finding it too hard to turn down social situations that always seemed to involve eating.
So i've got that little binge out of my system I am ready to get back on track.

As i'm sure many of you have seen, the Daily Mail has been running a feature on the Dukan Diet
Daily Mail Dukan Diet

I think it looks good, better than Atkins as you can eat yoghurt and it's very high in protein so will definitely keep you fuller for longer!
So have decided that it's the diet for me.

Today was my first day, weighed in at 103.4kg which is suprisingly good as I thought I would have put on a lot more weight!

My meals today consisted of:
Breakfast: No Fat yoghurt
Lunch: Chicken and Ham
Dinner: Steak

I'm on the attack stage of the diet where you can only eat protein. According to the website The Dukan Diet I should be on the attack phase for 2 days, but I might try for 4 just to give me a kick start.
After the attack phase you alternate days, PP and PV. PP=pure protein and PV=protein and veg.