Friday, May 7, 2010

The Election

Apologies, i've been really slack at updating recently, and the reason is the election!
I get really, really into politics so it's kind of taken my life over at the moment.

I'm a labour supporter, purely because I believe that everyone should have the chance to go to university, therefore to me labour's cap on uni fees makes sense, and the conservatives plan to scrap the cap does not. I also don't appreciate that the conservatives will take away the right for everyone suspected to have cancer to see a specialist within 2 weeks. Cancer is literally deadly, and time makes a world of difference. What Gordon Brown has done for the NHS really is impressive at it would be a shame for Cameron to ruin it.

There are many more reasons i've voted labour, but this is a diet blog not a politics blog! It's 4.37am and i'm watching the results come in, at the moment it looks like it's going to be a hung parliament which really isn't ideal but who knows what will happen in the next few hours. I'm just annoyed at a lot of my friends who voted for Cameron, simply because they don't like Gordon Brown. It's silly, you should vote for the party you believe in, not the person you like the most.

Rant over!

Went spinning this morning which was fun as haven't been for ages, but then had pad thai for dinner...bad times!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Hunt is over!

Miracles of miracles today I went to the gym (finally got my gym membership back, woo!)
And there is a big tescos next to the gym so decided to pop in. Managed to scrape a pounds worth of change from in and around my car and found outbran!

I really want to make Dukan Pancakes

1 Egg
2 tbsp Oat Bran
2 tbsp Fromage Frais
1 tbsp Wheat Bran

1) Mix the ingredients together in a bowl. If the mixture is too stiff, add a couple of teaspoons of skim milk.
2) Add a couple of drops of light oil to a frying pan. Wipe off the oil with a sheet of paper kitchen towel.
3) Spread the mixture in the pan.
4) Cook on a medium heat until the underside is golden and the upper side starts to dry.
5) Flip the pancake and cook the other side.

Recipe from

Just need to get fromage frais as didnt have enough money to get it in tescos! Will post photos of the results :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Hunt for Oatbran

Where does everyone buy oatbran???
I read lots of Dukan Diet blogs and all the recipes include oatbran but i've searched high and low at my local supermarkets but can't seem to find the stuff. I could order it online but would be handy to know where to buy it...

Anybody have any suggestions?

Dukan Diet Day 13

Ok, I know i've skipped from day 6 to 13 but will explain all!

On Thursday I travelled from Manchester to Wokingham (my home) with two friends as we were going to visit Thorpe Park.
On Thursday night we went out for dinner with my parents, on Friday we went to Thorpe Park then on Saturday we had a BBQ and drove back up North. So in general, food wise I didn't have the best weekend! But i'm ok with it, because i've realised that the Dukan Diet isn't necessarily a diet, for me it's more of a lifestyle change. I may slip up here and there but as long as I get back on track i'll lose the weight eventually.

So today I woke up and went to Sainsburys, stocked up on ham and yoghurts and have had a good day today. I'll weigh myself tomorrow and I know I will have gained some weight, but i'll be back on track to do well this week. Think i'm going to go back to the 'attack' phase, just to get back into the swing of things as I actually find it easier not having to cook veg! I bought some lovely lamb steaks and am looking forward to dinner!

So today i've eaten
Breakfast: Yoghurt
Lunch: Ham and Chicken slices
Dinner: Lamb Steak