Sunday, January 31, 2010


Just had my first moment of doubt, is weird it just hit me and I thought 'can i really do this' and part of me thinks, do I really want to do this? Give up on lazy days, eating whatever I want etc.

But the reasons why I should do it are far greater;
Buy nicer clothes
Wear a bikini for the first time
Feel more self confident
Have more luck in love
Never feel superior to my friends again
Be more healthy
Have more fitness
Wear a gorgeous dress for my 20th birthday
Have guys be able to pick me up (sounds silly)
Live longer!
Be able to just order clothes and know that they'll fit
Never have to hide clothing labels or cut them out of clothes
Get further in the Events Industry as it is quite a looks orientated industry

I just need to remember this list whenever I have a moment of doubt. It won't be easy, but it's something I need to do. At the moment I am just focusing on my Valentines Day goal. If I break it up into smaller chunks it doesn't seem as daunting.

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