Sunday, January 31, 2010


Just had my first moment of doubt, is weird it just hit me and I thought 'can i really do this' and part of me thinks, do I really want to do this? Give up on lazy days, eating whatever I want etc.

But the reasons why I should do it are far greater;
Buy nicer clothes
Wear a bikini for the first time
Feel more self confident
Have more luck in love
Never feel superior to my friends again
Be more healthy
Have more fitness
Wear a gorgeous dress for my 20th birthday
Have guys be able to pick me up (sounds silly)
Live longer!
Be able to just order clothes and know that they'll fit
Never have to hide clothing labels or cut them out of clothes
Get further in the Events Industry as it is quite a looks orientated industry

I just need to remember this list whenever I have a moment of doubt. It won't be easy, but it's something I need to do. At the moment I am just focusing on my Valentines Day goal. If I break it up into smaller chunks it doesn't seem as daunting.


I've just added a countdown clock (you should be able to see it on the right of this post!)
136 days until my birthday! Crazy times. Sounds like a long way away, but I know it'll just fly by.


Am having a bit of a dilemma, I live in a house with 3 other girls. We are all good friends, but they are very style concious. I've always felt that since i'm a lot larger than them they kind of look down on me for it...I want to tell them that i'm trying to lose weight, but they are the sort of people who will either a) get jealous if I lose weight and get more attention than them or b) decide to join me and end up losing more weight as some sort of competition.
I guess i'll just have to tell them, especially as I won't be drinking alcohol until the 9th of Feb so will let you know how it goes!


Just went to do my weekly shop for next week, have planned out every meal so only bought what I tempting snacks or treats!
Must admit I stopped at Macdonalds on the way back...I just think it's better to have one today than to keep thinking about having one next week! Am also going out for a sunday lunch tonight with my housemates so it will be my 'last meal' before the fun starts.
Sainsburys was a nightmare though, living in Fallowfield the most student populated area of Manchester, means that you have to pay a pound for the trolley (as students have the habit of taking trolleys home...) but I didn't have a pound coin so had to use a basket, which weighed a ton! Arm nearly fell off by the time I got home.

Secret Diary of a Call Girl

I've just finished catching up on Secret Diary of a Call Girl (on ITV). I would love to have as much body confidence as Billie Piper's character Hannah does on the show. Just the way she moves is so graceful and elegant, whereas I always feel big and clumsy.
Maybe once i've lost a bit of weight i'll start pole dancing or chair dancing classes, just to make me feel a bit more confident and sexy, they are meant to do wonders for your self confidence.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Finally finished making my Couch to 5K week one track on garage band, have such a good mix of songs! But hopefully will have some songs left for next took longer than i thought to mix the track so hopefully it's worth it!

Couch to 5K!

Oooh forgot to say if anyone is interested in the Couch to 5K programme the website is

Admitting it the first step to recovery.

Just told my Mum that i'm going to get back into shape, so guess there is no turning back now!
1st of February is the big day and the start of my Valentines Day challenge.
Will weigh myself on Monday morning, and have weekly weigh ins every Monday which i'll update on my Fridgegraph.
Have spent today planning my meals for next week as need to go shopping tomorrow. Am keeping it very low carb as thats what seems to work for me. I'm also going to be really strict as i'm one of those people who either wants it all or nothing, so no sweet treats or crisps etc!
Am excited that my gym membership will finally begin again, am excited to try spinning or RPM as it's known at my gym, and also am trying to get into running so am doing the Couch to 5K programme. It looks really good as it seems to ease you into running, as I usually push myself too hard and lose all motivation as I don't enjoy it, so maybe taking it slow will help. Have downloaded the Couch to 5K podcast, which tells you when to walk and run etc. and is brilliant as on Garageband I can add my own songs to the different sections, as music is a big motivating factor me, some songs just have the power to make me want to run forever!
So will be aiming to go to the gym at least 5 days a week, Couch to 5K is recommended to do 3 days a week, and will try and do a RPM class twice a week (will probably live to regret this promise if i'm in pain after the first class!)

Right back to typing up my food plan!

Friday, January 29, 2010

M&S Body

Just bought this body from M&S

Should make dresses look a lot better until I get a bit more toned! Hopefully it fits okay.

Boobs, tits, baps...

Although I'm aiming to get smaller all over, there is one part of me that I want to get a lot boobs!

As you can see from above, I was blessed with size, but not really any definition! I want small perky boobs! I'm only 19 but my boobs look like they belong to a 70 year old.

Fit Sugar

I highly recommend this website

It always give me ideas on exercise and nutrition. And for some reason, reading about being healthy and fit actually motivates me more.

Shower Horror

Eugggh just went for a shower. I don't know why, but some days my body just completely repulses me. The top half is ok, but I don't like wearing anything sleeveless because of my arms. And the bottoms of my legs are ok, but everything in between just blurs into a huge lumpy mess.

Can't wait to start getting more toned, and losing some fat!

Valentines Day Challenge

Ok, it's two weeks until Valentines Day starting on Monday and by then I wan't to have lost at least 3kg. Then i'll finally be under the 100kg mark, and i'll be back on my way to body happiness!
I'm going home for the weekend on the 13th February so would be nice to lose a bit of weight so that I don't get the 'so have you been going to the gym at all...' talk from my parents!

Wish me luck!

New Motivation

To try and get myself motivated, I am trying to find a amazing, sexy, stunning dress that when I wear (with my new body) will make me feel fantastic!
There isn't much out there at the moment though, seems like i've missed the bodycon boat and now more floaty, smocky type dresses are coming back in.
I do quite like this dress though
I love The Outnet, theres always something I want!

But will be keeping my eyes peeled.

The Dress

This dress was my original motivation for losing weight. I felt fantastic in it, just hope that I can feel that way about my body again, fingers crossed!


I'm a member of Virgin Active and froze my membership over Christmas as I went home, so will finally be able to get back into the gym on the 1st of February!

I am strangely excited, yet scared as I know it will be so easy to lose motivation and slip back into my lazy routine. I just have to keep thinking 'summer, sexy, bikini' over and over again.
I'm thinking of taking up Spinning as it's meant to be a demon for burning the calories, but the beginners class clashes with my Uni timetable. Guess i'll miss Uni once then I can go to the spinning classes whenever as i'll know what to do!

Also contemplating Zumba dance, looks like a lot of fun but am worried that i'll look silly being on my own.

How things have changed.

Thats me on the left, the horrible bloated beached whale.

I want to look this again....

Fridge Graph

I have found a brilliant website called FridgeGraph, where you can enter your start weight, desired end weight and the date you aim to reach it by, and it tells you how much weight you should be losing each week...brilliant!

My graph is

The Start

We'll here I am again. After loosing alot of weight before starting University, i've managed to put it all back on. I'm miserable being the size I am and have finally decided it's time to get back into shape! So this blog will (hopefully) keep me motivated. So stay tuned as I will update it with my workouts, food, trials and tribulations!