Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fell off the wagon!

Hi guys,
Sorry i've been out of touch for the past week, i'll be honest i've had a pretty rubbish week!
I do a course called Events Management and we had to do an event on friday that we'd been planning for months, so it was pretty stressful. On thursday we were still running round and selling tickets, didn't have time to eat so we went to Burger King, then on friday we were setting up the venue, once again didn't have time to make food so we went to...Macdonalds. Then I went home on Saturday and just ate what I wanted to really, bacon sandwhich, crisps etc. Rubbish I know but I just wasn't in the mood. Came back to Manchester on Monday and went to a friends for dinner, we had a pretty healthy main then rhubarb crumble for dessert...then on Tuesday was doing an assignment and friend asked if I wanted to go to lunch, guessed it...Macdonalds. Today I went to friends again for curry dinner (she cooked it so wasn't too bad) then we went to the cinema, and loaded up at sainsburys before hand with sweets and popcorn. So overall since last Wednesday things have been going pretty downhill! I think I lost motivation as I hadn't lost any weight.

SO! I've had a week off the gym and a week of sin foodwise, but it stops today! Have RPM tomorrow which I love, and am going to start eating better again. Am going out tomorrow night but will just watch what I drink. I was doing so well it's a shame I fell of the wagon for a week. Will weigh myself on Monday and I know i'll probably have put some weight on, but if I get back on track today the damage should be lessened...I hope!

Wish me luck.

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